Bicycle updates


In Europe as elsewhere in the world, covid-19 and lockdown have forced citizens to change their habits. Governments have had to put in place many measures to respect social distancing and protect the population. In many countries, measures have been taken to encourage the use of bicycles.

Public transport must be less congested to allow a minimum distance between travelers, waiting areas are delimited . For many reasons, governments encourage their citizens to use bicycles! In many cities, from North America to Europe, many streets have been adapted for buses, bicycles and pedestrians: tactical urban planning is the order of the day. Government plans are being put in place to allow residents to buy bicycles, and cyclists are even becoming a priority on the streets. A new era is born! 

A few weeks ago, the French government announced a 60 million euro "Coup de pouce vélo" plan allowing French people to receive 50 euros to have a bicycle repaired. In the UK, £2 billion will be allocated to a cycling and walking plan. The transport minister sees the current situation as the only chance to change people's habits. 

Bicycle use continued to grow in France after traffic stopped, with 87% more than at the beginning of the year. The phenomenon affects both the city and the countryside. According to "Vélo et territoires", since the end of the lockdown on 11 May, bicycle use has increased by 87% from what it was in the beginning of the year.

In Brussels, the city centre has become a fully residential zone for the next 3 months. 156 signs have been installed in the centre to remind motorists that the speed limit is now 20 km/h. Pedestrians and bicycles are therefore given priority in all streets in the centre of Brussels! Even Italy, the European country with the most cars per inhabitant, is cycling. More than 150 kilometres of cycle paths are planned in the capital: enough to change the face of Rome, which is known to be impassable and dangerous by bicycle.

In addition to the measures against covid-19, cycling is promoted for its ecological and health benefits and for the reduction of road traffic