Focus on Gdańsk, Poland!


Our blog posts series presents the different cities with which Qucit has partnered to offer mobility system optimization solutions. Discover how our solutions contribute to improving urban mobility in these areas!

Gdańsk is one of the most bike-friendly cities in Poland, and cycling has become part of the local culture. Cycle paths total almost 600 km in length! Numerous paths and new ones are beginning to be connected into a single integrated transport network, increasingly equipped with traffic aids such as traffic lights. To further promote bicycle use, the metropolises of Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot have recently developed a new system: MEVO!

The MEVO system was launched in September 2023 and covers 16 communes. The fleet, now fully deployed, consists of 4,200 bikes in 717 virtual stations! Residents can find both electric and mechanical bikes, supplied by Segway.

Since September 2023, Qucit has been assisting Inurba Mobility's teams in managing the MEVO fleet, optimizing station rebalancing, battery recharging and bike collection.

Discover in the next post the bike sharing system for the city of Singapore!