Focus on Monaco!


Our blog posts series presents the different cities with which Qucit has partnered to offer mobility system optimization solutions. Discover how our solutions contribute to improving urban mobility in these areas!

Cycling in Monaco is a great way to get around and enjoy the Principality's beautiful scenery. Although Monaco is a small territory, it has a well-developed and well-maintained network of cycle paths, including cycle tunnels for example, which allow cyclists to get around in complete safety. The Port Hercule, the hills of La Turbie and Mont Agel and the Jardins de la Petite Afrique can all be visited by bike! The principality also has its own bike-sharing scheme: Monabike!

Created in 2019, Monabike is a bike-sharing service offering electric bicycles in Monaco and the surrounding area. The 390 bikes and 46 stations that compose the system are managed by the Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco (CAM). Since its introduction, the system has grown steadily in popularity, even exceeding 340,000 annual journeys by 2020!

Since February 2023, Qucit has been helping the CAM teams to manage the Monabike fleet by optimising the rebalancing of stations.

Discover in the next post the bike sharing system for the city of Brescia!