The Bicing system, managed by UTE Pedalem, a company funded by Serveo and PBSC, is Barcelona's bike-sharing system. With more than 7,000 bikes, 2,000 electric and 5,000 mechanical, in over 500 stations, Bicing is the largest system in Spain!







rebalancing operations in 2022


trips in 2021


The year 2021 is the beginning of the partnership between UTE Pedalem and Qucit!  

In 2021, it is the beginning of the partnership between UTE Pedalem and Qucit with more than 50,000 rebalancing operations performed by UTE Pedalem teams on Qucit Bike!

In 2021, more than 100,000 subscribers rented the 7,000 bicycles in the 520 stations. That's more than 15 million trips!



An intuitive software based on predictive & dynamic logistic

Since 2021, UTE Pedalem has used the Qucit Bike software stack to improve its operational efficiency. Qucit Bike consists of:

  • An intuitive mobile application for rebalancers that optimizes routes and tasks to be performed in real time;

  • A dashboard for the Operations Manager that allows them to track key productivity indicators, key system performance metrics and simplify the management of field agents.


Daniel Vallés Lusilla testimony

Logistics & Fleet Manager, UTE PEDALEM (Bicing)


What was the challenge you were facing before working with Qucit? 

“The main challenge was: attending correctly to the bike movements at the end of every shift. As other services we divided the day in three different schedules, we had “operations supervisors” who were calling the drivers by phone to send orders. Those supervisors were aware about what happened during their peak hours, but they didn’t know what happened after they left and how to detect subliminal changes in some areas, because of that not all the bikes movements were optimal.”

What impact has Qucit Bike technology had on your day-to-day operations, especially in terms of rebalancing?

"We are more flexible to the changes the city experiences, we can manage easily the way we want to rebalance the city, using Qucit as a guide. Thanks to the program we have had a reduction in full events and reduction in empty events.”


▶ What do you think of the adaptability of Qucit Bike to the specific constraints of the city of Barcelona (topography, dense urban areas, pedestrian streets, ...)?

“I think Qucit's strongest point is its capacity to adapt to every city where it is implemented. As an operations manager I thank the facility to create our own rebalancing areas in just three clicks, and its facility to be created by any stakeholder in the logistics teams.

Within the collaboration with Qucit staff we can change the parameters of one specific area to be less or more regulated after analyzing the data.”

▶ What has been the feedback from the drivers since using Qucit Bike Redistribution?

“It’s been very positive and smooth. Moving from a traditional method (receive calls by phone by an operator) to a new method (clicking for your own orders) is always challenging, but I can assure all the drivers think there’s no way back.

Our drivers are grateful about its simplicity and commodity. "


Are you interested in Qucit Bike?