Why does station maintenance matter?
Recent problems with the supply of parts as well as the limits of certain mineral resources are pushing bike share system operators to find solutions to increase the lifespan of their equipment. In this article, Qucit discusses the importance of station maintenance to the successful operation of a bike share system.
What has been the source of the bike share supply problems in recent months?
Supply issues for bike share systems were a hot topic during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the explosion of cycling as a mode of transportation. Indeed, the pandemic caused disruptions in the global supply chain, which had a significant impact on the production and distribution of bikes and stations. The closure of manufacturing plants in China and the restriction of trade due to health measures led to delays in the delivery of parts.
Should we fear new component shortages in the future?
In addition to these supply problems, there are resource limitations for certain minerals, such as lithium and aluminum, which are essential for the production of bicycles and stations. The growing demand for these materials is putting pressure on their availability, thus questioning the viability of their future use. In addition to their limited availability, their extraction poses major environmental problems: destruction of forests and agricultural land to build mines, local water pollution, loss of biodiversity…
Lithium mines in South America - Credits: Euronews
What actions can operators take?
Faced with this instability in parts availability, bike share system operators are forced to rethink their materials consumption and maintenance strategies in order to keep their equipment running as long as possible. These strategies are even central to the financial viability of a system.
Indeed, bike sharing infrastructure is expensive to maintain. Bike and station maintenance can account for up to 40% of a service's operating costs. When a station component fails, the operator must act quickly to maintain a good quality of service. The emergency action represents a significant cost for the system: it requires sending a qualified person to the field to repair the failure as soon as possible and to have the part to be changed in reserve.
To limit the use of this costly curative maintenance, preventive maintenance seems to be a solution. It intervenes before a malfunction occurs. It is a method of avoiding damage to equipment by periodically replacing parts and performing minor maintenance and inspection to keep stations running smoothly. This action extends the life cycle of the station's components and keeps it running smoothly over time. In addition, preventive maintenance increases the durability of a bike share system's equipment.
How does Qucit help operators in the maintenance of their equipment?
Qucit assists bike sharing operators in their curative and preventive maintenance tasks. Maintenance actions are divided into two categories: occasional actions (curative maintenance) and periodic actions (preventive maintenance). The objective is to help teams optimize their maintenance tours in order to limit operational costs.